Sunday, April 18, 2010


To consciously evoke an emotional response to a piece of music in my experience has a value, and not solely musical. We are unconscious beings, if an effort is made to awaken an emotion consciously then there is a much greater possibility of seeing this emotion when it appears as an unsconcious reaction. This element of music making can be likened to acting. In life we are actors, we do not choose the parts we play we are unaware of our roles, it seems to me that this more conscious acting can shed light upon our emotional reactions.    

1 comment:

Mike Cross said...

In fact, when we observe actors, even the most celebrated and popular ones, they tend to be more than averagely insecure emotionally.

If an actor is only one of a roving band of players, he might not be on a path that leads anywhere other than round in circles.

So is shedding light upon emotional reactions, in the way that a skilled actor or virtuous performer does it, valuable in itself?

Or does it really only have value as part of a kind of directed ascent up a kind of ladder towards some kind of higher good?